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Roseville Child Custody Attorney

McKean Family Law > Roseville Child Custody Attorney

Custody Of Your Children

Separations are difficult, and even more so when there are children involved. In addition to how to divide their property, separating parents must work out how to divide parenting time and visitation. Parents often let their lingering resentments against each other interfere with their child custody decisions, leading to emotional arguments and perhaps a lengthy, expensive courtroom battle.

If you are in a legal dispute over your parental rights, you must contact a divorce attorney in Roseville or Sacramento area as soon as possible.

If you are going through a separation, having a lawyer on your side can be crucial. A skilled attorney can treat you compassionately as you go through a difficult time and fight for your rights in difficult legal and financial matters.

Experience In Child Custody

At McKean Family Law A.P.C., we have many years of experience helping clients with a variety of issues related to child custody, including:

Protect Your Parental Rights

In deciding any child custody matter, the court must decide based on the child’s best interests. Unfortunately, in some cases, parents must prove to the court that they are fit to raise their children. If you are in this position, you know it is a highly emotional and even frightening experience. Having a lawyer on your side can make a big difference, preparing you for parental evaluation and arguing on your behalf in court.

Whether you are aiming for full physical custody or you seek to share that right with the other parent, we can help your family reach an amicable decision.

At McKean Family Law, we have experience helping parents protect their rights and relationships with their children at all stages of legal custody disputes.

Contact Us To Get Started

If you need an experienced attorney in child custody, child support, and related matters, call McKean Family Law A.P.C. today at 916-666-7874. You can also contact us online to schedule an appointment.

We represent clients in Roseville and Sacramento, California.

Call us at 916-666-7874 or contact us for a consultation today!