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Best Roseville Child Support Lawyers

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Best Roseville Child Support Lawyers

child support modification lawyer

Roseville Firm Represents Parents Involved in Child Support Cases

If children do not live full-time in a parent’s home, a child support order may be issued by the court if there are child custody arrangements.

If you need assistance in establishing support or requesting a modification, the skilled attorneys in our Roseville office represent parents in Sacramento and Placer Counties. We can answer your questions about support or other family law issues.

What Information is Considered?

The court uses a calculator to establish child support guidelines for each case. This calculator uses a child support formula established by the California Legislature.

The court considers the actual parenting time of each parent, the financial situation of each party, and other factors that the court can legally consider.

Financial information considered by the court will include each parent’s income, the tax filing status, tax write-offs, and mandatory employer deductions. It is important to ensure that you include all of these factors to be sure that the child support payments are accurate.

These inputs result in a determination of net income of each party. A formula is then used to determine how much child support should be paid from one parent to the other parent. This is the guideline.

The court will also typically order that both parents equally shared the out-of-pocket medical expenses of the children and equal pay for childcare needed so the parents can go to work or school.

California child support rules are strict but not completely without flexibility. If there are circumstances in a particular case where a judge finds that the guideline amount is not in the best interest of the child, the judge can increase or decrease the guideline number.

Once the calculation becomes a court order, the party ordered to pay support can be punished for non-compliance with the child support orders themselves, so it is important that the calculation is correct to avoid harsh child support enforcement penalties.

What if My Situation Changed?

Child support modifications are common. If you already have a support order and there were child custody modifications or changed finances, you could be entitled to a modification.

If there is a new child or spouse, that could also be considered. Income from a new relationship or spouse is not added to the income of the parent, but it can be considered in other ways. It is important to talk to a child support modification lawyer to see what impact this could have.

If you are the paying parent, you will continue to pay child support to the other party until a motion has been filed to request a child support modification.

Similarly, if you receive support and believe the other parent should pay more, the court will not increase the payment until you file an appropriate request with the court.

How Can I Request a Modification of Child Support?

If a case with the Department of Child Support Services has been opened to enforce child support orders, you can ask them to file a motion for you but depending on your Local Child Support Agency and how busy the agency is, it could take many months to get a motion filed for you. Child support modifications happen frequently

Establishing an attorney client relationship with a child support modification lawyer can quickly get your case into court so that your child support can be adjusted.