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Everything There is to Know About Divorce Law Basics

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Everything There is to Know About Divorce Law Basics

Divorce Law Basics

The legal termination of marriage is referred to by different names, with “divorce” and “dissolution of marriage” being the two that are most recognizable. Couples seeking a divorce must obtain one through a court judgement, after which they will be awarded a judicial decree that renders the marriage dissolved. Following the legal finalization of a divorce, both parties are to remarry, pending time restrictions in some jurisdictions – and this varies.

Various issues may be addressed via divorce orders depending on the specific circumstances of the parties involved in the divorce, such as children for whom provisions must be made or whether there is property to be divided up. As such, these orders, when applicable, may focus on factors like bill and property division, spousal support or alimony, child custody, child support, visitation as well as any other pertinent matters that the court determines to be necessary and relevant.

Once initiated, a divorce decree may be brought by either or both parties and may be contested or uncontested; when both spouses are eager for the divorce and are able to come to an agreement on the relevant issues, they may obtain an uncontested divorce, allowing them to proceed through the court processes far more easily and quickly compared to when unresolved issues are present. These uncontested divorces are the most common, and quite often these types of separations are obtained devoid of legal counsel.

Still, a smaller group of married couples are unable or unwilling to reach an agreement with regard to the termination of their marriage and the ensuing issues, with these contested separations taking much longer, thus making it necessary for parties to retain ongoing legal counsel (not to mention they usually require judicial intervention in order to come to a conclusion and obtain orders regarding the relevant issues).

McKean Family Law Fun Fact: Each state creates its own codes, laws, rules and statutes for dealing with the termination of a marriage as well as the other associated factors. Furthermore, common law in each state also plays a role, and because of this, there is no uniformity, forcing divorce laws, policies and procedures to vary greatly from one state jurisdiction to the next.

Family divorce lawyers can help divorcing spouses handle all of the big decisions they’ll need to make, protecting their interests in court proceedings and settlement negotiations. By choosing McKean Family Law to handle your divorce lawyer Roseville concerns, you will receive:

  • Objective advice
  • Access to top-notch consultants
  • Seasoned courtroom experience
  • Familiarity with opposing counsel
  • Alternatives to litigation
  • Fair pricing

If you are going through a marital breakup situation, find out for yourself why we’re often called the kind of family law attorney Roseville has been waiting for by calling (916) 666-7874.